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RIMS Imphal Recruitment 2022 (Dec) - Assistant and Associate Professor Vacancy [ 08 posts]

RIMS Imphal Recruitment 2022 (Dec) - Assistant and Associate Professor Vacancy [ 08 posts]:-  Welcome to  North East India's No. 1 Job Portal   NeCareer.com .Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Imphal, Manipur has published a job notification in the month of December 2022. 

Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Imphal, Manipur Job Vacancy 2022-2023

According to the RIMS Imphal Manipur Recruitment 2022 (Dec) advertisement, applications in prescribed form are invited from the intending citizens of India for appointment to 08 vacant posts of Assistant Professor and Associate Professor at Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal. Find more details in below section. 

RIMS Imphal Recruitment 2022 (December) 
PostsAssistant Professor, Associate Professor
Apply ModeOffline
No of Vacancy08
Last Date12-January-2023

RIMS Imphal Job Vacancy 2022 (December) - Full Details

1. Post Name : Assistant Professor of Anatomy 

No of Posts : 01 (UR)

Age Limit : Upper age limit of applicant should be 45 years.

Pay / Salary :  Rs.15600-39100/- + GP Rs.7000/- (pre revised) per month

Eligibility criteria : Candidate must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.

Qualification: M.S. (Anatomy)/M.D. (Anatomy)/MBBS with M.Sc. (Anatomy)/M.Sc. (Med. Anatomy) with Ph.D. (Med. Anatomy)/M.Sc. (Med. Anatomy) with D.Sc. (Med. Anatomy).

Experience: Applicant must have l3 years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized Medical College as Resident / Registrar/ Demonstrator/ Tutor.

2. Post Name : Assistant Professor of Medicine 

No of Posts : 02 (UR)

Age Limit : Upper age limit of applicant should be 45 years.

Pay / Salary :  Rs.15600-39100/- + GP Rs.7000/- (pre revised) per month

Eligibility criteria : Candidate must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.

Qualification: M.D. (Medicine)/MD (Gen. Medicine).

Experience: Applicant must have 
i) Requisite recognized postgraduate qualification in the subject. 
ii) 3 years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized Medical College as Resident/ Registar/Demonstrator/Tutor.

3. Post Name : Assistant Professor of Surgery 

No of Posts : 01 (SC)

Age Limit : Upper age limit of applicant should be 45 years.

Pay / Salary :  Rs.15600-39100/- + GP Rs.7000/- (pre revised) per month

Eligibility criteria : Candidate must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.

Qualification: M.S. (Surgery)/M.S. (Gen. Surgery).

Experience: Applicant must have 
i) Requisite recognized postgraduate qualification in the subject. 
ii) 3 years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized Medical College as Resident/ Registar/Demonstrator/Tutor.

4. Post Name : Assistant Professor of Orthopaedics 

No of Posts : 01 (UR)

Age Limit : Upper age limit of applicant should be 45 years.

Pay / Salary :  Rs.15600-39100/- + GP Rs.7000/- (pre revised) per month

Eligibility criteria : Candidate must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.

Qualification: M.S. (Orthopedics)

Experience: Applicant must have 
i) Requisite recognized postgraduate qualification in the subject. 
ii) 3 years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized Medical College as Resident/ Registar/Demonstrator/Tutor.

5. Post Name : Assistant Professor of Radiotherapy 

No of Posts : 01 (UR)

Age Limit : Upper age limit of applicant should be 45 years.

Pay / Salary :  Rs.15600-39100/- + GP Rs.7000/- (pre revised) per month

Eligibility criteria : Candidate must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.

Qualification: M.D. (Radiotherapy)/M.D. (Radiology)/M.S. (Radiology)

Experience: Applicant must have 
i) Requisite recognized postgraduate qualification in the subject. 
ii) 3 years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized Medical College as Resident/ Registar/Demonstrator/Tutor.

6. Post Name : Assistant Professor of Biochemistry 

No of Posts : 01 (UR)

Age Limit : Upper age limit of applicant should be 45 years.

Pay / Salary :  Rs.15600-39100/- + GP Rs.7000/- (pre revised) per month

Eligibility criteria : Candidate must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.

Qualification: M.D. (Biochemistry)/MBBS with M.Sc. (Med. Biochemistry)/M.Sc. (Med. Biochemistry) with Ph.D. (Med. Biochemistry) with D.Sc. (Med. Biochemistry)

Experience: Applicant must have 3 years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized Medical College as Resident/ Registar/Demonstrator/Tutor.

7. Post Name : Associate Professor of Dermetology

No of Posts : 01 (UR)

Age Limit : Upper age limit of applicant should be 45 years.

Pay / Salary :  Rs.15600-39100/- + GP Rs.7000/- (pre revised) per month

Eligibility criteria : Candidate must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.

Qualification: M.D. (Derm. & Ven)/M.D. (Derm. Ven & Leprosy)/M.D. (Dermatology)/M.D. (Derm. Including Ven/M.D. (Derm. Including Ven/Lap.)/M.D. (Med.) with DVD or D.D

Experience: As Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Dermatology & Venuology/Leprosy for five years in a recognized Medical College.

Desirable: Minimum of four Research Publication index or index Medicus/National Journals.

Upper age limit: The upper age limit is 45 years on the last date of receipt of application. Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for Government servants and by 5 years for ST/SC & 3 years for OBC candidates. There will be no age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC who applies in the UR category.

How to apply for RIMS Imphal Recruitment 2022 (Dec) - Assistant and Associate Professor Vacancy [ 08 posts]

Interested and eligible c
may apply with prescribed application form which can be downloaded from below link. 

Application Form : Click Here

Filled in applications should reach to the following address on or before 12th January 2023.

Address :

Office of the Deputy Director (Admn.),
Regional Institute of Medical Sciences,
Imphal, Manipur

Application in prescribed format should include following documents. 

i) a copy of Bio-data 
ii) contact number & E-mail ID 
iii) attested copies of certificate of date of birth, educational qualification, experience, research & publication works etc.
iv) OBC/Caste Certificate (where applicable) and 
v) a demand draft of a nationalized Bank of Rs.500/- drawn in favour of Director, RIMS, Imphal payable at Imphal or a copy of cash receipt of the same value from RIMS cash counter.

Note : Date, Time, Place of Interview will be announced on RIMS website. All future updates regarding this vacancy can be obtained from the same official website i.e. www.rims.edu.in only.

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