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NEIAH Shillong Recruitment 2023 (October) - 52 Various posts

NEIAH Shillong Recruitment 2023 (October)  Welcome to  North East India's No. 1 Job Portal   NeCareer.com . North East Regional Institute of Education, Umiam, Shillong  has issued  a job notification in the month of September 2023.

According to the NEIAH Recruitment 2023 (October) advertisementNorth Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy (NEIAH), Shillong has invited applications for Teaching & non-teaching posts and all posts will be filled as direct recruitment. Find more details in below section.

NEIAH Shillong  Recruitment 2023 (October)
PostsTeaching & Non -Teaching
Apply ModeOffline
No. of Vacancy52
Last Date08-October-2023

North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy (NEIAH), Shillong Job Vacancy 2023 (October) - Full Details

1. Post Name :
 Professor (Ayurveda) 

No of Posts : 5 ( UR-4, OBC-1)

Salary : PB-IV (Rs. 37,400-67,000) + GP Rs. 8,700/- + NPA admissible as per the Central Govt. Rules.

Eligibility Criteria : Applicant must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.

Essential Qualification

i) Post Graduate Degree in Ayurveda in the concerned subject recognized under IMCC Act, 1970.

ii) Five (5) years of teaching experience as Reader/Associate Professor in the concerned subject or 5 years research experience in PB-III (Rs. 15,600- 39,100) with GP Rs. 7,600/- with NPA 
15 years combined experience in teaching as Reader/Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor/ Lecturer in the concerned subject or 15 years research experience in the pay scale of PB-III (Rs. 15,600-39,100) with GP of. Rs. 7,600/- , Rs. 6,600/- and Rs. 5,400/- with NPA respectively out of which minimum 2 years in the pay scale of PB-III (Rs. 15,600-39,100) with GP Rs. 7,600/- with NPA

iii) Minimum five research publications indexed in index medicus orf National Journals

Deputation including short term contract::

Officers of Central Government, State Government, Statutory Organizations, Autonomous bodies, PSU’s, University or Research Institutions.

Age Limit : 55 years, (On the Last Date of receipt of application)

Mode of Recruitment : Deputation including short term contract failing which by direct recruitment.

2. Post Name :  Associate Professor (Ayurveda) 

No of Posts : 4 (UR-3, OBC-1)

Salary : PB-III (Rs. 15,600 – 39,100) with GP Rs. 7,600/- with NPA

Eligibility Criteria : Applicant must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.

Essential Qualification

i) Post Graduate Degree in Ayurveda in the concerned subject included in the recognized under IMCC Act, 1970.

ii) Five (5) years of teaching/ research experience in the concerned subject in PB-III (Rs. 15,600- 39,100) with GP Rs. 6,600/- with NPA
10 years of combined experience in teaching as Assistant Professor/ Lecturer or 10 years research experience in the concerned subject of PB-III (Rs. 15,600-39,100) with GP Rs. 6,600/- and GP of Rs. 5,400/- respectively

iii) Minimum 3 research publications indexed in index medicus or National Journals

Deputation including short term contract::

Officers of Central Government, State Government, Statutory Organizations, Autonomous bodies, PSU’s, University or Research Institutions.

Age Limit : 50 years, (On the Last Date of receipt of application)

Mode of Recruitment : Deputation including short term contract failing which by direct recruitment.

3. Post Name :  Lecturer (Ayurveda) 

No of Posts : 11 (UR- 4, OBC-3, SC-2, ST-1, PH-1)

Salary : PB-III (Rs. 15,600 – 39,100) with GP Rs. 5,400/- + NPA

Eligibility Criteria : Applicant must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.

Essential Qualification

i) Post Graduate Degree in Ayurveda in the concerned subject included recognized under IMCC Act, 1970.


i) Publication and experience in Research. 2. Working knowledge of Computers. 

ii) Minimum 3 research publications indexed in index medicus or National Journals

Deputation including short term contract::

Officers of Central Government, State Government, Statutory Organization, Autonomous bodies, PSUs, University or Research Institutions holding analogous post on regular basis with essential educational qualification prescribed for direct recruitment.

Age Limit : 40 years, (On the Last Date of receipt of application)

Mode of Recruitment : By Direct Recruitment failing which by deputation including short term contract.

4. Post Name :  Professor (Hom. Subject) 

No of Posts : 2 ( UR -2)

Salary : PB-IV (Rs. 37,400-67,000) with GP Rs. 8,700/- + NPA admissible as per the Central Govt. Rules.

Eligibility Criteria : Applicant must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.

Essential Qualification

i) Post Graduate Degree in Homoeopathy in the concerned subject included in the Second Schedule of Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973.

ii) 5 years of teaching experience as Reader/Associate Professor in the concerned subject or 5 years research experience in PB-III (Rs. 15,600-39,100) with GP Rs. 7,600/- + NPA.


15 years combined experience in teaching as Reader/Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor/ Lecturer in the concerned subject or 15 years research experience in the pay scale of PB-III (Rs. 15,600-39,100) with GP of. 7,600/- , Rs. 6,600/- and Rs. 5,400/- with NPA respectively out of which minimum 2 years in the pay scale of PB-III (Rs. 15,600-39,100) with GP Rs. 7,600/- + NPA

iii) Minimum five research publications indexed in index medicus or National Journals.

Deputation including short term contract::

Officers of Central Government, State Government, Statutory Organizations, Autonomous bodies, PSU’s, University or Research Institutions.

Age Limit : 55 years, (On the Last Date of receipt of application)

Mode of Recruitment : Deputation including short term contract failing which by direct recruitment.

5. Post Name :  Reader (Hom. Subject) 

No of Posts : 1 ( UR -1)

Salary : PB-III (Rs. 15,600 – 39,100) with GP Rs. 7,600/- + NPA

Eligibility Criteria : Applicant must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.

Essential Qualification

Post Graduate Degree in Homoeopathy in the concerned subject included in the Second Schedule of Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973;

ii) 5 years of teaching experience in the concerned subject or 5 years Research experience in PB-III (Rs. 15,600-39,100) with GP Rs. 6,600 /- with NPA


10 years of combined experience in teaching as Assistant Professor/ Lecturer in the concerned subject or 10 years research experience in PB-III (Rs. 15,600 - 39,100) with GP Rs. 6,600/- and GP of Rs. 5,400/- respectively with NPA.

iii) Minimum 3 research publications indexed in index medicus or National Journals.

Deputation including short term contract::

Officers of Central Government, State Government, Statutory Organizations, Autonomous bodies, PSU’s, University or Research Institutions.

Age Limit : 50 years, (On the Last Date of receipt of application)

Mode of Recruitment : Deputation including short term contract failing which by direct recruitment.

6. Post Name :  Lecturer (Hom. Subject) 

No of Posts : 3 (UR-1, OBC – 1, SC-1)

Salary : PB-III (Rs. 15,600 – 39,100) with GP Rs. 5,400/- + NPA

Eligibility Criteria : Applicant must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.

Essential Qualification

Post Graduate Degree in Homoeopathy in the concerned subject included in the Second Schedule of Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973;


i) Publication and experience in Research. 

ii) Working Knowledge of Computers.

Deputation including short term contract::

Officers of Central Government, State Government, and Statutory Organizations, Autonomous bodies, PSU’s, University or Research Institutions holding analogous post on regular basis with essential educational qualification prescribed for direct recruitment.

Age Limit : 40 years, (On the Last Date of receipt of application)

Mode of Recruitment : By Direct Recruitment failing which by deputation including short term contract.

7. Post Name :  Professor (Allied Subject) 

No of Posts : 2 (UR – 1, OBC – 1)

Salary : PB-IV (Rs. 37,400-67,000) with GP Rs. 8,700/- + NPA

Eligibility Criteria : Applicant must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.

Essential Qualification

Post Graduate Degree in Homoeopathy subject included in the Second Schedule of Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973 (NCH Act 2020); (Preference shall be given to the person holding PG Degree in Homoeopathy in the concerned subject).


Post Graduate Medical Degree in the concerned subject recognized by the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (NMC Act 2019).


ii) 15 years combined experience in teaching as Reader/Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor/ Lecturer in the concerned subject in the Pay scale of PB-III (Rs. 15,600-39,100) with GP of. Rs. 7,600/- , Rs. 6,600/- or Rs. 5,400/- with NPA respectively or 15 years research experience in the pay scale of PBIII (Rs. 15,600-39,100) with GP Rs. 7,600/- , Rs. 6,600/-, and Rs. 5,400/- with NPA respectively out of which minimum 2 years in the pay scale of PBIII (Rs. 15,600/- – 39,100/-) with GP of Rs 7600/- with NPA. 

iii) Minimum five research publications indexed in index medicus or National Journals


i) Ph.D in the concerned subject (internal candidates with Residential Ph.D shall get preference over outside candidates. 

ii) Post-Graduate such as M.Sc. (Anatomy/Physiology/ Pharmacology) etc. for the respective allied subjects. 

iii) Experience as Supervisor/ Guide for PG program in Homoeopathy and Publication in research. 

iv) Research Experience in an institute recognized by a university and/ or State Government or Central Government. 

v) Administrative Experience in a Homoeopathy Medical College/ Hospital.

Age Limit : 55 years, (On the Last Date of receipt of application)

Mode of Recruitment : Deputation failing which by direct recruitment.

8. Post Name :  Reader (Allied Subject) 

No of Posts : 3 ( UR- 2, OBC -1 )

Salary : PB-III (Rs. 15,600 – 39,100) with GP Rs. 7,600/- + NPA

Eligibility Criteria : Applicant must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.

Essential Qualification

Post Graduate Degree in Homoeopathy subject included in the Second Schedule of Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973, (NCH Act 2020); (Preference shall be given to the persons holding PG Degree in Homoeopathy in the concerned subject).


Post Graduate Medical Degree in the concerned subject recognized by the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. (NMC Act 2019).

ii) 10 years of combined experience in teaching as Assistant Professor/ Lecturer in the concerned subject in PB-III (Rs. 15,600-39,100) with GP Rs. 6,600 /- and 5,400/- respectively + NPA or 10 years research experience in PB-III (Rs. 15,600-39,100) with GP of Rs. 6,600/- and 5,400/- respectively + NPA.

iii) Minimum three research publications indexed in index medicus or National Journals.


i) Ph.D in the concerned subject.

Age Limit : 50 years, (On the Last Date of receipt of application)

Mode of Recruitment : Deputation failing which by direct recruitment.

9. Post Name :  Lecturer (Allied Subject) 

No of Posts : 8 ( UR- 2, ST – 1, PH1, SC-1, OBC -2, EWS -1)

Salary : PB-III (Rs. 15,600 – 39,100) with GP Rs. 5,400/- + NPA

Eligibility Criteria : Applicant must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.

Essential Qualification

Post Graduate Qualification in Homoeopathy subject included in the Second Schedule of Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973 (NCH Act 2020); (Preference shall be given to person holding PG Degree in Homoeopathy in the concerned subject).


Post Graduate Medical Degree in the concerned subject recognized by the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (NMC Act 2019).


i) Ph.D in the concerned subject.

Age Limit : 40 years, (On the Last Date of receipt of application)

Mode of Recruitment : Deputation failing which by direct recruitment.

10. Post Name :  Principal (Ayurveda) 

No of Posts : 1 ( UR- 1)

Salary : PB-III (Rs. 15,600 – 39,100) with GP Rs. 5,400/- + NPA

Eligibility Criteria : Applicant must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.

a. Officer of the Central/ State Government/ Autonomous bodies/ Statutory bodies fully funded by the Government and holding analogous posts.


Holding the post of Professor or equivalent in the pay band 4 with Grade pay of Rs. 8700 and having 3 yrs regular service in the grade.


b. Possessing the following qualification and experience. 

i) Post Graduate qualification in Ayurveda recognized under IMCC Act, 1970 

ii) 20 years standing in profession out of which atleast 3 years regular service in professor grade. 

iii) 8 years experience in PG teaching.

Post Graduate Medical Degree in the concerned subject recognized by the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (NMC Act 2019).


i) Ph.D in Ayurveda

ii) Experience in Research & Administration.

Contract: Qualification and Experience same as above for deputation.

Age Limit : 56 years for deputation and 55 years for contract.

Mode of Recruitment : By Deputation failing which on contract.

11. Post Name :  Principal (Homoeopathy) 

No of Posts : 1 ( UR- 1)

Salary : PB-4 (Rs 37400- 67000) with GP Rs 8900 +NPA

Eligibility Criteria : Applicant must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.

a. Officer of the Central/ State Government/ Autonomous bodies/ Statutory bodies fully funded by the Government and holding analogous posts.


Holding the post of Professor or equivalent in the pay band 4 with Grade pay of Rs. 8700 and having 3 yrs regular service in the grade.


b. Possessing the following qualification and experience.

i) Post Graduate qualification in Homoeopathy Central Council Act 1973. 

ii) 20 years standing in profession out of which atleast 3 years regular service in professor grade. 

iii) 8 years experience in PG teaching.


i) Ph.D in Homoeopathy

ii) Experience in Research & Administration.

Contract: Qualification and Experience same as above for deputation.

Age Limit : 56 years for deputation and 55 years for contract.

Mode of Recruitment : By Deputation failing which on contract.

12. Post Name :  Medical Superintendent 

No of Posts : 1 ( UR- 1)

Salary : PB-4 (Rs 37400- 67000) with GP Rs 8700 +NPA

Eligibility Criteria : Applicant must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.


i) Degree in Ayurveda recognized under Schedule II of IMCC Act, 1970 

ii) A recognized degree of MD/ MS(Ay) in Kaya Chikitsa/ Kaumarabhritya/ Shalya/ Shalakya/ Prasuti & Stri Roga/ Panchakarma under IMCC Act, 1970. 

iii) 15 years’ experience in the profession. 

iv) Minimum 7 years professional experience in the reputed institute/ Hospital as Dy. Medical Supt./ Reader after obtaining post graduation degree.


i) Ph.D in Ayurveda and Extensive experience in Research.

ii) Master in Hospital Administration (MHA)/ MBA (HM)/ PG Diploma in Hospital Administration (full time 2 years duration) from a recognized institute/ university.

Contract: Qualification and Experience same as above for deputation.

Age Limit : 50 Years (On the Last Date of receipt of application)

Mode of Recruitment : By deputation failing by direct recruitment.

13. Post Name :  Deputy Medical Superintendent 

No of Posts : 1 ( UR- 1)

Salary : PB-3 (Rs 15600- 39100) with GP 7600 + NPA

Eligibility Criteria : Applicant must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.


i) Post Graduate Degree in Homoeopathy Preferably in clinical subjects included in the Second Schedule to the Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973.

ii) Minimum 7 years professional experience in a reputed Institution/ Hospital after obtaining Postgraduate degree.


i) Master in Hospital Administration (MHA)/MBA(HM)/ P.G. Diploma in Hospital Admn. (full time) minimum 2 years duration from a recognized university.

ii) Experience of working as Asst/ Deputy Medical Superintendent.

Age Limit : 45 Years (On the Last Date of receipt of application)

Mode of Recruitment : Deputation failing which by Direct Recruitment

14. Post Name :  Surgical Specialist 

No of Posts : 1 ( UR- 1)

Salary : PB-3 (Rs 15600- 39100) with GP 7600 + NPA

Eligibility Criteria : Applicant must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.

a. Post Graduate Degree in the concerned subject recognized under IMCC Act, 1970. 

b. Registered with MCI or State Council in a Hospital/ Institute of repute. 

c. 7 years experience in the relevant subject after acquiring post Graduate Degree.

Age Limit : 45 Years (On the Last Date of receipt of application)

Mode of Recruitment : Deputation failing which by Direct recruitment and failing both on contract.

15. Post Name :  Pediatrician 

No of Posts : 1 ( UR- 1)

Salary : 
PB- 3 (Rs. 15600- 39100 with GP Rs. 7600 + NPA

Eligibility Criteria : Applicant must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.

a. Post Graduate Degree in the concerned subject recognized under IMC Act. 

b. Registered with MCI or State Council in a Hospital/ Institute of repute. 

c. 7 years experience in the relevant subject after acquiring post Graduate Degree. 

Age Limit : 45 Years (On the Last Date of receipt of application)

Mode of Recruitment : Deputation failing which by Direct recruitment and failing both on contract.

16. Post Name :  Finance manager 

No of Posts : 1 ( UR- 1)

Salary : 
PB-3 (Rs15600- 39100) with GP Rs. 7600

Eligibility Criteria : Applicant must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.

Essential Qualification: 

i) Associated member of institute of Chartered accounts of India; OR Institute of Cost and works Accounts of India. 

iii) Seven (7) years of experience in a responsible position in dealing with Financial Management including Accounts. 

Desirable Qualification and Experience: 

a. MBA with specialization preferably in Finance. 

b. Qualified Subordinate Accounts Service with experience in supervisory capacity in the field of Management/ Accountancy 

c. Experience of working in a large institution engaged in Teaching and /or Research in Medical Science/ Medical Care. 

General: Preference will be given to those having knowledge and experience in Govt. Accounts.

Age Limit : 50 Years (On the Last Date of receipt of application)

Mode of Recruitment : Deputation failing which by Direct recruitment and failing both on contract.

17. Post Name :  Anesthetist 

No of Posts : 1 ( UR- 1)

Salary : 
PB-3 (Rs. 15600- 39100) with GP Rs. 6600 + NPA

Eligibility Criteria : Applicant must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.

i) Post Graduate Degree in the concerned subject recognized under IMCC Act. 

ii) Registered with the MCI or state Council in a Hospital/ Institute of repute. 

iii)Three (3) years Senior Residency in the concerned subject.

Age Limit : 45 Years (On the Last Date of receipt of application)

Mode of Recruitment : Deputation failing which by Direct recruitment and failing both on contract.

18. Post Name :  Radiologist 

No of Posts : 1 ( UR- 1)

Salary : 
PB-3 (Rs15600- 39100) with GP Rs. 6600 + NPA

Eligibility Criteria : Applicant must fulfill the following criteria and educational qualification.

i) Post Graduate Degree in the concerned subject recognized under IMC Act.

ii) Two (2) years experience in the related field after acquiring post Graduate degree.

Age Limit : 45 Years (On the Last Date of receipt of application)

Mode of Recruitment : Direct Recruitment.

How to apply for NEIAH Shillong Recruitment 2023 (October) - 52 Vacancy 

Interested and eligible candidates may apply with Prescribed Application format that can be downloaded from the website www.neiah.nic.in. Applications in prescribed format completed in all respects enclosing self-attested copies of all certificates, mark sheets, testimonials in support of age, educational qualifications, experience, Caste/ Community/ Persons with disabilities (PWD)/EWS issued by Competent authority of Central/State Govt., Council Registration, Teacher’s Code along with non-refundable application fee as applicable with two recent passport size photograph should reach the institute before the closing date on the below given address.

The envelope containing application form should be superscribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ________________ Sl No.________ "and sent by registered/Speed-Post to the following address-

"The Director, North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy (NEIAH), MAWDIANGDIANG, SHILLONG, MEGHALAYA – 793018."

Application Fee :

GP Rs. 6600/- and above :  
UR/OBC -Rs. 1400/-
SC/ST/EWS - Rs. 700/-

GP Rs. 4800/- to Rs. 5400/- :  
UR/OBC -Rs. 1000/-
SC/ST/EWS - Rs. 500/-

Application fee is exempted for Persons with disabilities (PWD) and candidate applying on Deputation post.

Important links of NEIAH Recruitment 2023 (October) 

Official Website :  Click Here

Full Advertisement  :  Click here

Corrigendum  :  Click here

Application Download :  Click here

Find More Job in Meghalaya:  Click Here

You may also check more :  Jobs in North-East India 

Tags : Jobs in Meghalaya, Latest job in Meghalaya 2023

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